August 16, 2011

A for Armani , B for Bourjois

Image: sheelamohan /
Pronunciation is as important to a word as its spelling.  But what do you do when most of the brands have such bizarre names and even more bizarre pronunciations?

Whenever I come across a brand especially of french origin, I am quite skeptical to speak it loud lest someone realizes it & corrects me in public. Must be happening to a lot of people, right?

So below I've put up most of the brands I've come across with their so-called correct pronunciation!

1. YSL ~ Yves San Laurent ~ Iv-san-lorron ('san' as in 'San Francisco')

2. Bourjois ~  Boor-jo ( and the 'j' is like mixing 'sh' and 'ja')

3. L'Oreal ~ Law-reaal

4. Chambor ~ Sham-bawr

5. Lakme ~ Lack-may

6. Revlon ~ Rev-lawn

7. Maybelline ~ May-bee-lean

8. Clarins ~ Clare-ins

9. Chanel ~ Shaa-nel

10.Christian Dior ~ Chris-chian-D-or

11. Bvlgari ~ Bull-garee ( rhyming with carry)

12. Giorgio Armaani ~ Geor-gio Ah-maani

13. Sheseido ~ She-say-do ( 'do' rhyming with 'go')

14. Guerlain ~ Gure-laan ('Gure' rhyming with Cure)

15. Givenchy ~ Ji-von-shi ( the 'J' is same as in Bourjois)

16. Estee Lauder ~  S-tay-lawder

Coz the first step to Madness is Realization of it!
Ciao! Maddies!


  1. Wow..! Intersting and very informative topic to blog 'bout..even i have resisted saying brand names of french origin for the scariness of being publicly corrected..!

  2. Thanks so much Fathima.. Sorry for the late reply :)
    It happened to me too, hence came up with this post..
    Do keep giving me your valuable comments.. tc..
